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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association
Following an informal update on the events of our 50th Celebration Weekend, on-going throughout the day, President Jim Banghart brought the meeting to order at 10:10 AM. with 47 members present, representing 33 families.
Jim thanked Camp Wa-Klo and camp director Ginger Mauer for hosting the meeting. Ginger introduced her staff in attendance for the meeting.
A moment of silence was held in memory of two members who have died since our last meeting: Peter Levine MD of Worcester MA, and former TPCA President Rod Mackenzie of Jaffrey and Florida. Concern was expressed for Don Strickland, who was injured earlier during the Triathlon.
Jim Acknowledged in absentia new members Phil Bailey and Sue Roston who bought the Wheeler property.
Lots for sale at the time include: Cervenka, Horton, Walling. Recently under contract: Williams to Dr. James Potter, Wile to Carol Greenwald, and Caron to an unknown buyer. We remind members to notify the TPCA when a property goes for sale so we can inform friends and family members.
It was moved, seconded and voted to waive reading of, and approve, the minutes of our 2009 Annual Meeting (which are posted at www.thorndike.org).
Banghart, completing his 4th and final year as President, spoke with feeling of the pleasure he has found in working with the Board, and especially in the ‘neighborhood’ projects undertaken by TPCA members in the past few years which have engendered a close-knit feeling of community:
He acknowledged some of the other accomplishments by pond residents during this period:
The 50 years on the Pond Book written by Don Strickland and published with the help of Nancy Cornelius.
Jim reminded members that, as 2009 was Year 3 in our 1:2:3- board drawdown system, this year will be a 1-board drawdown, expected to begin Columbus Day.
Treasurer Susy Mansfield gave her 6th and final Financial Report (copy attached) with details to familiarize members with our on-going and ever-increasing expenses. The goal is to have expenses equal income, and to preserve our savings for future needs. The Fund for Thorndike Pond has grown to $12,782.10 with 20 donors contributing $2,220.00 in 2009. Our net worth is now $26,273.94. It was moved, seconded and VOTED to receive the report pending audit.
Water testing through the NH Department of Environmental Services Voluntary Lake Assessment Program (NH DES VLAP) shows Thorndike Pond with high acidity, something that lake residents do not cause and cannot fix. The one chemical that we do influence which can have a devastating effect on the lake is phosphorus, found in detergents and fertilizers; members are asked to use them with caution. Our Phosphorus levels are considered good, the trend is slightly upward. The Pond is also high in mercury, which is particularly lethal to loons, largely due to emissions from local coal-burning power plants. Information is available at www.wildlife.state.nh.us/fishing/fish_consumption.htm. Jim Banghart, VLAP coordinator for Thorndike Pond, paid tribute once again to the water testing work done for many years by Bill Jackson, who has been honored also by the State of NH.
Weed Watcher Jo Benedek reports that the Pond is on average one foot (1’) lower this summer and that this, and our low Fall 09 drawdown, affects the growth of several weeds, notably Watershield, which has decreased throughout the Pond. On the other hand, the South end of the Pond has seen an increase in burr-weed, and pickerelweed is flourishing especially at the NW inlet by the Scout camp. Beaver activity has been noted at the NW inlet as well.
Evie Hammerman reported on the Lake Host Program, applauding the participation of both Camp WaKlo and Camp Wanocksett campers, who staff the boat ramp on weekday mornings. Paid Lake Hosts work on weekend days, and increased volunteer coverage is needed during this hot weather. Evie told several local tales of milfoil infestation which she hopes will “SCARE YOU” and increase ramp volunteers throughout the rest of the summer. Jim acknowledged the tremendous effort that Evie put in this year to pick up the program from Susy.
In the absence of Don Strickland, Jim Banghart paid tribute to his extraordinary work in assembling and editing “Fifty Years on the Pond”, the history project begun several years ago by the late Don Austermann. Copies were sent to all paid-up TPCA members and are still available at $3.00 from Jim.
Jim then mentioned the names of the properties that have been owned by one family for the whole 50 years, in order of increasing longevity on the pond:
Elections - “Auditors” who oversee The Fund for Thorndike Pond are appointed by the President, who named Peter McGowan and Tony Scholl, to be joined ex officio by the new Secretary/Treasurer.
Dick Webb presented the Nominating Committee report as follows:
It was moved, seconded, and VOTED to accept the slate.
Upon a motion made by Bill Jackson, it was further VOTED to approve actions taken by the Board of Directors since the last Annual Meeting.
Under Other Business, the Town of Jaffrey is starting a reappraisal of properties which have changed owners since the last formal appraisal. Historically these have had a bad effect on property taxes for pond residents.
At that point, out-going President Banghart spoke of the service given on the Board by (also out-going) Director Dick Webb, and by Susy Mansfield who has served as both Secretary/Treasurer and Lake Host Coordinator for the past six years. His remarks were followed by a standing ovation for the retiring Board members.
Upon a motion made by the Honorable Eddie Ginsburg, it was VOTED to adjourn, noting that the 50th Birthday Celebration continues through the day.
Respectfully submitted, Susan K Mansfield