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Thorndike Pond
Conservation Association

Annual Meeting - 2000

Minutes of Annual Meeting
Meeting Place, Jaffrey Center, N.H.
August 5, 2000
The 4Ist annual meeting of the Thorndike Pond Conservation Asso­ciation was called to order by President Jo Benedek at 11:10 A.M. The list of current shorefront property owners, the map, and the financial statement for 1999-2000 were distributed. There were 58 members present, representing 34 out of a total of 77 shorefront properties. Jo announced that the Cervenka property had been purchased by Robert and Amy Radin of Newton, MA, that the Cervenka’s were building a new house on the subdivided property, and that the Rudnick and William Hurlin properties are for sale, both listed with Peterson Realtors. The new owners of the Whalen property, Barry and Penny Steinberg, were introduced. Jo recognized the passing of Dr. Francis Woods, longtime summer resident, and the births of Kenton Cooper to Wayne and Lisa Cooper and Henry Hurlin to Nathan and Denise Hurlin.
The minutes of the 1999 annual meeting were accepted.
The Treasurer's report included two large expenditures related to beaver trapping at the NW inlet and the construction of the kiosk at the public boat landing. Inspite of an expected 10$ increase in insu­rance rates for the dam and the cost of repairing a crack in 2001, it was recommended that current dues remain at $50, with the possibility of an increase next year. The Treasurer requested that members pay their dues promptly this year to bolster a lower than usual checking account balance. The Treasurer's report was accepted.
The water testing report given by Bill Jackson indicated positive results, with low phosphorous levels in June, 2000 tests. Over-all water quality in the pond is good. Testing is now done at labs at Franklin Pierce College, a more convenient location than Concord.
The President reminded the members that this year the lake will be lowered by one board. Next year, 2001, there will be a deeper drawdown, the exact amount to be discussed and voted on at the annual I meeting. This year the drawdown will begin close to October 1. Marie Jensen requested that it be on the record that a total drawdown is needed in order to clean the Camp beach area.
In her President's Report, Jo Benedek mentioned the presence of healthy loons on the pond this summer; also 3 female mallard ducks, which should not be fed, a directive from DES. The main topics of her report included: 1. The Dam, owned, operated and maintained by TPCA and regulated by the Dam Safety Bureau of the Dept. of Environ­mental Services, Professional maintenance of the dam is under the sole direction of the President and the Board of the TPCA. There are security problems at the dam; vandalism has occurred the past two years in the sluice. 2. Plant Surveys The largest concentrations of plant growth are at the 2 inlets to the lake. 300 feet from shore at the NW inlet the depth of the water is 2 1/2 to 4 feet. Water shield, member of the water lily family, is quite extensive at the NW inlet area, and is present in several coves throughout the lake. While it is sparse, members might want to remove the stalks by the roots and dispose of them away from the lake.  No one is authorized to remove plants in any area except their own beach area. Removal must be done by hand or hand tool with minimum disturbance to the bottom.In her report, Jo stressed the negative effects on the lake from the practice of having and replenishing sand "beaches. Sand dumping contri­butes to the filling in of our already shallow pond and can promote the growth of aquatic plants. A fact sheet on sand dumping will be included with the minutes and Jo asked that members read it carefully; also noting that by state law a permit is required for any sand dumping. Applications are available at the Town Clerk's office. Allow over a month for processing. 3. Power Boating Regulations: Adherence to the NO WAKE sign at the narrows is good but could be better. Adherence to the spirit as well as the letter of the 150 foot rule is the key to safety and equanimity on the pond} power boaters must be fully aware of the impact of their wake and in some cases their exhaust on the lake and on other users of the lake. Finally, Jo urged that the purpose and mission of the TPCA should be the protection and preservation of our beautiful pond, even if it sometimes requires subordinating self-interest or personal desires to the good of the lake.
Members approved the actions of the Board during the year.
The Nominating Committee report, given by Chairman Bill Jackson, recommended the following slate:
  • President for 1 year: Don Strickland
  • Vice-President for 1 year: Lee Bruder
  • Sec/Treas. for 1 year: Ginny Wile
  • Directors for 2 years: Ann Schulte and Steve Schroeder
  • Continuing Directors for 1 more year: Bernie Hampsey and Don Austermann
The slate was unanimously approved by the members.
Statements from the floor included the importance of keeping a solid growth of shrubs and trees at the water's edge to comply with the shoreland protection regulations; maintaining a low level of lighting at the lakeshore to avoid interfering with neighbors' enjoy­ment of the lake; the importance of keeping variable millfoil and other exotic plants from invading the lake.
The members expressed their appreciation to President Jo Benedek for her 3 years of service to the TPCA.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P.M. Lunch followed at the Inn at Jaffrey Center.
Respectfully submitted, Ginny Wile, Secretary/Treasurer